The TerraFibra architectures exhibition unveils the 40 finalist buildings of the TERRAFIBRA Award 2021, the world’s first prize for contemporary architecture in raw earth and/or plant fibres. Building in rammed earth, clay-based concrete, cob, adobe, pressed earth block, straw, or earth and hemp, bamboo framing, reed roofing… the exhibition presents these international projects and explains, through a thematic tour, the qualities and advantages of these materials and the techniques, both ancient and innovative, which implement them.
Opening speech 26.10.2023, 12:15 Shoshana Huber (German)
Exhibition: 24.10.2023 - 23.11.2023
Koproduziert vom Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Centre d'urbanisme et d'architecture de Paris et de la Métropole parisienne, amàco und Les Grands Ateliers