A lecture about the adaptive and material reuse through the lens of ecological and eco-systemic thinking.
Urszula Koźmińska is an Associate Professor at the Aarhus School of Architecture. In her design practice, research and teaching, she focuses on post-extractive architectural approaches and life-cycle design strategies, adaptive and material reuse, repair and maintenance, and reversibility. She explores those topics with the ecological awareness of the broader eco-systemic and trans-scalar entanglements of the design process.
HSLU, Institut für Architektur
ZOOM Meeting room: https://hslu.zoom.us/j/5194856419 Password: 1234
Technikumstrasse 21
6048 Horw
ZOOM Meeting room: https://hslu.zoom.us/j/5194856419 Password: 1234
Technikumstrasse 21
6048 Horw